Positive Lessons From Corona

There is no denying how awful the current situation with Corona virus is. With so many lives under threat, the news feels like a constant bombardment.

However you are feeling right now, it is okay. Allow yourself to feel whatever it is you need to feel. We are all experiencing a lot right now. Whilst I have felt the effects, my overriding desire is to bring as much support to the global community as I can at this time.

With this in mind, I wanted to share some light on the lessons we can gain from this time, to ensure that despite everything it can become a period of growth and reflection for us all.


1) It is teaching us about love and fear


Throughout life, not just at this time, we have a choice- to approach life with love or fear. To approach every situation, even those we may not have asked for, with love or fear.
We are being challenged right now- pushed in that decision. Love or fear?
With headlines of sold out stores, stealing toilet roll and sanitiser shortages, it appears that many have chosen fear.

Fear can be the easy option. It lures us in. Panics us. It tricks us into believing that fear is the only way through this.


But what if we met this challenge with love? If we considered those who can’t afford to bulk buy. If we considered other humans not as the enemy to our survival, but key to it all. Because all this fear is out of a choice to LIVE. And what is there worth living for without love? Without connection. Without community, friendship, family, lovers.

So when fear creeps in, when fear tries to tell you it is the only way, place a hand on your heart and ask… how can I face this with love?

There have been some wonderful examples of this and there are ways you can help- checking in with friends (virtually), sending notes to neighbours offering to help if they have to self isolate and supporting smaller struggling businesses.


2) We are facing our greatest fear- of death


We have spoken about fear, but underlying it what is that we’re scared of? It isn’t the flu like symptoms, of the global economy or of going stir crazy isolated for 2 weeks…because underlying all those fears is the fear of our mortality. Of death.

It’s not something we often speak of. I feel strange typing the word. Right now we feel truly faced with our own mortality and that of the ones we love. And yes, that can feel fucking scary, but it’s also a moment to ask the questions we don’t normally ask…

Are we truly living?
What do we want from our lives?
Can we say hand on heart we are living fully?

Because whilst we claim “YOLO” or the quote that reminds that “life isn’t a dress rehearsal,” how many of us actually live this way? And maybe now is the time to start to think about these things.

What do you want from your life?
How do you want to live your life?
What TRULY matters to you?

Personally, it has highlighted just how much I want to reconnect to my creativity.

That I want to live in an environment surrounded by more nature.

That I want to feel connected, loving, wild and open.

That I want to feel FREE.

What is it for you?


3) We are all connected


For so long we have seen the signs of disconnection- to our planet, to other countries, to fellow humans and to ourselves.
Brexit. “Build the wall.” Refugees taking desperate boat trips.

We are all connected.
Surely now we can see.
There is no you or me.
Only us.

So let us reconnect. Let us embrace love, instead of fear. Let us recognise how we are best when we are united. 

I am not suggesting we ignore the recommendations- it can be a supreme act of love to sacrifice touch in order to protect others. But we can extend compassion to others, we can help others, we can connect and send messages of love. We can keep those isolated topped up with supplies, we can share our magic, we can share our love.

Reach out to someone today, just to let them know you’re thinking of them.

Sending you love, light &healing vibes,

A x

I’d love to hear your responses and thoughts on this- let me know in the comments below, or pop me an email to hello@alexandriamaria.co.uk.

If you are struggling at this time, please do reach out to me as I will be offering complementary 30 minute sessions.

Sharing is caring!

Business, Mindset

March 18, 2020

Alexandria Wombwell-Povey



An exclusive private elite level mastermind for women who are ready to build their legacy.




A mastermind for female entrepreneurs, ready to build wealth, expand their impact and create a life of freedom, whilst building their empire in a soulful way. 

This is for the women ready to go beyond what success looks like and to step into being and feeling successful on every level in their life this is the woman who is ready to finesse the design of her life and up level on every level. This is for the woman who is ready to be magnetic and attract opportunities abundance and miracles into her life and business. This is for the woman who is ready for in-person high vibrational experiences and connections. 


"Working with Alex has expanded me so ridiculously much"

 She has expanded me financially, emotionally, and spiritually. I feel so so seen, so so supported by her, and it's just a gift that keeps on giving, working with her. When I started working with Alex I was probably hitting the 5/10k mark and as soon as I started the first month, I literally went straight to 15k and from there I literally went to hitting 25K consistently. And then since I had reached my highest month which is 50k so it's only growing.
And it's been so powerful with her strategy, her manifestation, and her feminine energy as well."


"Alexandria‘s energy support and expertise has been totally invaluable"

"So, over the past two years, I've been working with Alex and it's been a full body, full on expansion. I can't even tell you the woman I was back when I first ever invested in my first ever coaching experience with Alex. I was scared. I was like, what the heck am I doing? Am I ready? Am I worthy of having my own business? And now I've scaled three six figures with her. I've managed to build my empire and just keep going. And I think I'm a completely different woman. And so much of that is down to Alex's support, Alex's strategy, and Alex's love as a person."

-JULIET, 1:1 Graduate

"My business has expanded in The Expansion incredibly."

"It has gone from a handful of 1:1 clients to being completely sold out of 1:1 clients, to setting up a group programme, I’ve just taken on 2 virtual assistants. It has just expanded in so many more ways than I ever thought possible. I am now organising a retreat. I have 2 new programmes that are about to launch in the next year. As Alex always says, ‘stepping into the CEO energy’, I absolutely have expanded into that and the more I'm in my business, the more I can see how it can expand to help more and more women, it’s just incredible."