A transformative 5 day retreat in the mythical Tulum hosted within the private beach front sanctuary of Sian’Kan.
Prices from £2300

It’s time for you to unleash your ultimate potential, upgrade your reality + expand into your wildest abundance.

You 2.0 Abundantly Alive

The Tulum Upgrade Retreat

7th - 11th november 2024


You feel a deep intuitive knowing you are meant to be here. 

You’ve already created success in your life but you know you are capable of so much more. You want to reach your full potential whilst feeling lit up about your life (+/or business). You are ready to step into your greatest potential, and step into your next level of life.

You feel it's time for a reset - a chance to break free from the endless cycle of busyness and reconnect with what truly matters. It’s time to stop doing + start being. 

This Retreat Is For You:

You want a life changing experience + an intimate opportunity to be coached and mentored by Alex.
You’ve been through a transition or upgrade and you’re ready to calibrate to what this next level of life involves. There may be decisions you need to make but you’re craving clarity or confidence around them. You can feel change is coming, it's time for the rebirth. 

You have a calling to connect with like-minded inspirational women to amplify your manifestations and create lifelong friendships + epic opportunities. 

 In the serene haven of Tulum, we've crafted a bespoke experience tailored for you to create those life changing upgrades. Tulum isn't just a destination; it's a vortex of feminine energy + potent transformation, where ancient traditions intertwine with modern spirituality, and every visit feels like a unique life changing experience.

If you’ve ever wanted to visit Tulum this is the way to do it.

What's Included?

  • 5 night’s accommodation at the exceptional Sian Ka'an within the UNESCO biosphere reserve of Tulum, complete with private beach, candlelit dinners under the stars and rooftop sunset views. We have the whole place exclusively to ourselves which is of itself a once in a lifetime experience. 
  • 5-star dining and service with freshly prepared nourishing meals from our on site chefs (with all dietary requests catered to). 
  • Daily transformational workshops, activations + embodiment practices (with 1:1 support from Alex during these experiences)
  • Psychedelic breath work experience 
  • A healing 90 minute sound journey under the stars
  • Traditional Mayan Temazcal sweat lodge rebirth ceremony
  • Invigorating biohacking ice baths. Embrace the cold, reset your system, and feel rejuvenated amidst the stunning natural surroundings
  • Outside deck surrounded by nature and the sounds of the crashing waves for your morning yoga practice
  • Explore one of the world's largest barrier reefs with the villa's paddleboards, kayaks + snorkels on the private beach
  • Experience the vortex energy of Tulum (be careful what you wish for whilst you are there!)
  • A fully curated experience so you can relax + enjoy

"I didn't know what I was searching for."

But I can tell you what I found was everything that I could have imagined and more. I feel truly transformed from the experience over these last few day. I feel so much gratitude for the opportunity to be here and know that this moment right here is truly the catalyst for what's to come for the next year. So, so grateful.


"It's been incredible."

It was really scary signing up, actually, to be perfectly honest, because I felt like maybe I wouldn't fit in, or I felt conscious, I felt like maybe I would be judged And all of the workshops have been just, like, exactly, exactly what I needed. And I didn't even know that I needed them. So I'm so, so grateful to myself for booking this retreat. And if anyone is like unsure or worried, I would just say like, it will be like one of the best things that you do this year. It's so powerful and the girls are absolutely lovely and I have felt so much healing from the other girls. Like, I've never felt this, I've never felt this held and supported before by a group of women. Yeah, it's been incredible.


"I always get so much clarity."

I love coming to Alex’s retreats as I always come with the surprise of what's going to happen. I always get so much clarity and I always see my blockages and the things that are stopping me right now to get my dreams. So yes, I will come forever.


"This has felt not only just a retreat, but a five star experience."

This has felt not only just a retreat, but also a five star experience. I've been so impressed with the amazing, healthy, delicious food that we've had. And secondly, it is so nice to be around like minded women. And I know that sounds really cliche, but if I can put this into literal words, It's being around a table of women talking about spirituality, human design and no one batting an eyelid.

Alex is incredible and has been my coach last year and I feel like she's someone who I will constantly be inspired by and the way it's run has just been so seamless and I feel like I've made friends for life. So thank you so much.


"Booking a retreat was an act of love for myself."

Before coming to the retreat, I've been going through a really big life transition and booking a retreat was an act of love for myself. Coming here was something I was really excited to do.

I was a little bit nervous about coming here and not really knowing what to expect, but one of my favourite things has been the space that's been held by all the other women here…I'm going home feeling completely renewed. I know there's a version of me looking back on this retreat knowing that this was a game changer for my life. So thank you to everybody who's poured into me in this beautiful retreat and thank you Alex for running it.


"The sisterhood and the community ended up being one of my favourite parts."

It's just been so transformational and I've loved every minute. And I think the thing that I was least thinking was going to be important to me was the the sisterhood and the community but that ended up being one of my favourite parts and it made me realise it was something that I was really missing in my life and it was just so lovely to see all these women coming together.


"I found this retreat absolutely incredible."

I set out with very very clear goals on the first day of what I wanted to achieve in these next four days, and I've definitely gone out and hit them and more.

I would say the biggest transformation for me has been in my ability moving forwards and super super super trust (I mean I’ve got trust tattooed on me) in what the future holds and then also the power.


"I said yes to incredible opportunities."

The month of the retreat, I had... 81% growth in business MoM. Highest revenue month for charity I run. Stepped into an incredible relationship. Said no to clients who weren't aligned. Said yes to incredible opportunities to grow my business such as writing a new course, running a retreat, writing a book.


"The retreat was the most transformational time."

During this time here, the retreat was the most transformational time I have possibly had in my whole life in such a short period of time. The sisterhood was amazing, it was a really safe space. I really felt safe to be vulnerable. I am going to remember this time forever, and I'm going to keep in contact with the girls, definitely in contact with Alex. I feel so grateful to have this opportunity to heal and to realign and to go back to real life as a different person.


"The experience was amazing."

Out of this world. I don't even know what words to use. It was so much more than I expected, and I got out of it so much more than I expected. I feel a lot lighter, a lot more capable to go forward and to try new things without. worrying about judgment or failure and just keep moving forward


"I felt really seen by Alex."

One of the big breakthroughs I had was just how much I've been holding and carrying and just how good it felt to be held and to be nourished and I really feel like I've gotten so much energy and I spent most of the week in my feminine and got the confirmation that actually I was doing a lot of that prior to coming here, but that affirmation has really, really been priceless.


"I'm a huge fan of retreats but this one has been very very special."

I love how Alex weaves in really practical teachings and lessons with lots of mindset work, deep manifestation, meditation, transformations, and then we move through hot seat coaching sessions and we don't just get to benefit from ourselves being coached with our businesses, but actually being able to witness our blind spots by witnessing others being coached and being able to like contribute to their growth too.


"I'm feeling so much more connected to my inner self."

The biggest breakthrough that I had is that I feel even more aligned to who I am and so much magic has happened in my personal life, and in just feeling so much more connected to my inner self and what I want and my desires.


Day Two
Morning Movement / Yoga
Release Embodiment Practice
Temezcal Ceremony
Sea Swim Under the Stars
Candle Light Dinner
Day Three
Tea Ceremony
Feminine Energy Activation
Exploring Tantra / Sexual Energy
Sound-bath Under the Stars
Day Four
Morning Movement
Abundance Activation 
Expanding Your Capacity to Receive
Closing Ceremony
Celebration Dinner
Tattoo Artist (Optional) 

Example Schedule

*Please note this schedule may be subject to change

Picture This...

You wake to the sound of the ocean, go up to the rooftop deck and take in the luscious surroundings as you breathe, meditate and move.

You come downstairs to a delicious chef prepared breakfast, before experiencing the biggest breakthroughs of your life during transformational workshops + potent activations.

Synchronicities are already starting to show up and you know that this right here is the moment that changes everything.

You enter the portal of rebirth in a traditional temazcal, releasing the layers of who you were before this moment, closing the ceremony with a dip in the ocean under the stars on the private beach.

You ease into a candlelit dinner with the most delicious nurturing food accompanied by soul nourishing conversation. You have never felt so seen, so heard, so supported.

You had no idea how good life could get, and yet here you are, experiencing it all.

You go to sleep with the sound of the ocean and drift into a deep, restorative sleep, ready for another day in paradise. 

The online world can only take you so far. It’s time to come together in a magical paradise to create the transformation that will shift the trajectory of your life. 

"I didn't know what I was searching for."

But I can tell you what I found was everything that I could have imagined and more. I feel truly transformed from the experience over these last few day. I feel so much gratitude for the opportunity to be here and know that this moment right here is truly the catalyst for what's to come for the next year. So, so grateful.


The Accommodation

Welcome to Casa Maya Kaan, a sanctuary nestled within the Biosphere Reserve of Sian Ka’an, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Experience the epitome of luxury while being immersed in Tulum's breathtaking natural surroundings. 

Our casa features a pristine, private white-sand beach right at your doorstep, providing access to one of the Reserve’s most beautiful lagoons. Here, you can connect with nature, and enlighten your mind and body. The retreat space also offers various serene spaces for relaxation, allowing you to gaze at the incredible surroundings in perfect tranquility.

Accommodations at Casa Maya Kaan includes:

The Canopy or Tuscan Suite with Jungle View offers a serene jungle ambiance with a private terrace, stone flooring, two queen beds, a writing desk and a spacious bathroom featuring a double vanity, rain shower, and separate toilet.

The Tortuga Suite with Ocean View features a king-size bed, sofa-bed, writing desk, a luxurious en-suite bathroom with a stone tub, double stone shower, twin vanity, and a large terrace with a breathtaking ocean view, available at £2800pp or £5600 for a private room.

The Seashell Deluxe Room with an independent entrance is an air-conditioned, garden-level double bedroom featuring charming décor, a harmonious atmosphere, and excellent views of the garden and ocean.

The Mariposa Bell Tents offers luxurious glamping experience at CASA MAYA KAAN, featuring queen-size beds, luxury linens, outdoor-style bathrooms with eco-friendly products, and a cozy nighttime ambiance, available for £2300pp or £2750 for a private tent.

The Sol Safari Tents offer a spacious and luxurious glamping experience at CASA MAYA KAAN, featuring two queen-size beds, luxury linens, outdoor-style bathrooms with eco-friendly products, and a cozy nighttime ambiance. The safari tents have more space than the bell tents, available for £2800pp.

Check in is at 4pm on 7th November and Check out is at 11am on 11th November.

I support you as a high level leader to step into your limitless potential, maximising your wealth, freedom, happiness and success. I’m ready to walk beside you as you trailblaze a new way of doing things, upgrading every area of your life without feeling like it's another thing on your to do list. 

Tulum truly changed my life and for that I am forever grateful. Each return brings new magic, potent gifts and activations whilst dropping me deep into a feminine space of trust. I’m so excited to see what unfolds for you from this space 

I’m a Podcast Host, Manifestation Queen + International Speaker.


About your host

Is this retreat right for me?

Is this retreat right for me?

Our experiences are carefully curated with the schedule designed to guide you on a journey of deep transformation and powerful upgrades. You will be leaving your comfort zone + challenging your previously held beliefs about yourself. But you are not doing this alone. I am here to support you in this journey + you will be doing it in the company of some exceptional women. 

Can I hear about previous retreat guests' experiences?

Can I hear about previous retreat guests' experiences?

Yes of course! We are incredibly proud of the epic feedback our retreats gain as it truly is a reflection of the work we put into them. You can find both written and video testimonials on this page.

I’m nervous to book alone

I’m nervous to book alone

The majority of our retreat guests travel alone, but we have also had friends join us. We now often have guests who have met at a previous retreat and come back together for another one. We’ve had some women come on over 6 retreats with us to date as they know each experience is a quantum leap. I can promise if you’re coming alone you’re going to make friends for life + probably have some of the deepest most delicious conversations of your life. No prior experience of retreats is required. 

Feeling the fear?
Read this

Feeling the fear?
 Read this

When you know your life is about to change, it’s normal to feel resistance. Marianne Williams had it right when she said it is often our potential that scares us the most. But the thing is, I don’t want to reach the end of my life and think ‘that was a life half lived’. I want stories to tell, memories that move me to tears and moments I can pin point and say ‘that, that right there was the moment when everything changed for me.’ I want to create that experience for you, but you are the one who ultimately decides which path to choose. Please feel free to reach out to me directly via DM, or email my right hand woman Vita @ vita@alexandriamaria.co.uk.

We’re happy to answer any questions or concerns. But as a previous retreat guest Kim said: "If you are considering to come on Retreat, I would highly recommend it. It will surpass all of your expectations and you will never be left disappointed."

The payment plans don’t work for me

The payment plans don’t work for me

Our retreats are hosted in some of the most incredible settings, with fresh chef prepared meals for the ultimate experience and expertly led sessions and activations and our retreat pricing is reflection of this (beach front accommodation alone in Tulum can be $500 per night). That being said, we have various room options available depending on preference + budget. We are able to do custom payment plans if the ones available do not work for you + would love to support you in this.

Please note all payment plans will require full payment to be made prior to the retreat start date. Please email Vita @ vita@alexandriamaria.co.uk for custom payment plans. 

Do I have to have a business?

Do I have to have a business?

No! This retreat is open to all. However all the sessions can be applied to your business. Fiona, a previous attendee on our manifestation retreat said "The month of the retreat I had... 81% growth in business MoM and the highest revenue month for charity I run."

What’s not included?

What’s not included?

 Travel + transfer. We are happy to answer any questions to support you in this + will also add you to a thread with other retreat guests to organise transfer sharing if you desire. We will provide our recommendations for transfers so you can have a smooth journey. Alcohol and travel insurance are not included. Travel insurance MUST be purchased in order to attend this retreat.


Xo, Alexandria

Any questions?

Pop me a dm @iamalexandriamaria
or email my team at vita@alexandriamaria.co.uk